Problems We Solve

Limited Choices

To side step competition and avoid discounts, Vendors use limited choice, performance based agreements that tie discounts to rebates.  And, these contracts are 20% higher than standardized pricing agreements

Product Upcharges

Vendors increase costs by 5% through a) rebranding old technology at new prices, b) submitting paper invoices to avoid audits, and c) upgrading device technology without physician knowledge

Unearned Discounts

Vendors insist on performance based agreements that avoid competition by requiring volume, market share or spend commitments in return for discounts that providers achieve only 7% of the time

Business Environment

US Hospitals and ASC's pay 6 times more than Non-US Hospitals
0 X
Percentage of hospitals that lost revenue in 2022
0 %
The number of CRM product prices within the market
0 +

Commodity Pricing

GPOs use volume-based commodity pricing tactics that are counterproductive for reducing prices on high margin products like medical device implants:

  • Low margin products (commodities) require volume (market share) commitments to lower prices

  • High margin products (medical device implants) require competition for volume (market share) to lower prices

Lack of Competition

Limiting vendor competition locks in pricing floors that are above industry average prices​:

  • Limited choice and performance-based agreements are priced 20% higher than vendor competitive agreements

  • Product access and support services suffer from a lack of product competition

Risk Free Process

LIBERTAS provides a free assessment and offers a patent pending process that simplifies procurement and frees up resources with no upfront costs. The assessment will detail how much your Hospital or ASC will save in the short- and long-term.

Margin Maintenance

Vendors avoid product competition and price transparency to maintain 50%+ margins:

  • Vendors avoid competition by limiting choice through dual vendor agreements, volume requirements or market share commitments

  • Vendors avoid price transparency through non-disclosure agreements and complex pricing schemes that use rebates to disguise discounts

Lack of Product Comparisons

Comparing products is difficult in a world where an individual vendor offers 45+ different price points and the industry as a whole offers 180+:

  • Existing technology is rebranded as a new product offering with higher price points and no reduction for old technology

  • Vendors disguise product features and rebrand existing technology to avoid product grading and apples-to-apples comparisons